Montag, 27. April 2015

Akali moba

Akali moba

At rank Five Point Strike deals extra damage to minions and monsters. Akali Build Guide : Akali (4) - Absolutely Meme Akaliaposs bound to take damage and use energy when dueling or in teamfights, but her passive gives her a decent chunk of spellvamp, and her Q detonation restores energy. Akali is most dominant in the late game, with a 4 win rate in the late game, as opposed to a 4 win rate overall. Akali Build Guides : League of Legends Strategy Build guides for Akali on MOBAF ire. Prioritize completing Trinity Force early in your Akali buil as players who had this item completed in their build had the highest win rates.

Akali Build: Best Items, Runes, Summoners Akali drops a shroud of smoke which inside she becomes invisible and untargetable.

Akali vs Galio Counter Stats MOBA Champion

Akali Build Guide : Akali (4) - Absolutely Meme

Join the largest League of Legends strategy community. Akali Build Guide : Yamikazeaposs Challenger Akali Akali throws five kunai in a narrow arc, damaging enemies directly in front of her and slowing those at maximum range. Akali vs Galio Counter Stats MOBA Champion Learn How Akali Can Best Counter Galio.

Energy Based with Cost Ultimate I love energy based champs, and Akali is no exception.

Akali Items, Runes, and Stats MOBA Champion

She gains movement speed in the shroud. Akali Items, Runes, and Stats MOBA Champion Akali has the 29th highest win rate amongst mid laners (out of 32). Find Akali guides from summoners and champion builds based on stats for all League of Legends (LoL) champions. You can also find other League of Legends Champion Guides. Akali Guide : League of Legends Akali Strategy MOBAF ire guides show the top rated guides per patch by default, but can also be sorted by other criteria such as all-time score, author rank, or newest guides.

We provide you the best items to use and detailed matchup stats to win your LoL matchup. If cast with nearly full energy, Akali heals for a percentage of the damage. She can do several Q-AA-E combos and not run out of energy, and her ult costs nothing. Armbrust kaufen im österreichischen Outdoorshop Scorpyd Ravin Barnett Versandkostenfrei bestellen auf. Bei eine grosse Auswahl an Produkten aus dem Bereich IT Multimedia sowie über 20weitere Artikel.

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Akali Build: Best Items, Runes, Summoners

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