Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2017

Rockstar games ticket

Rockstar games ticket

Rockstar Games gives you a grace period where all cancellations made will incur no penalty, no matter the reason for canceling. Rockstar mailing lists are the best way to get the early word on all our game announcements, official launches, contests, special events, and more. Subscribe to the Rockstar Mailing List Welcome to the Rockstar Games Subscription Management page. Make sure you have your , game, problem.

1: Hi use this link to submit a report tickets here or s upport rockstargames com or you will need to tweet them here s twitter com rockstarsupport Hope this helps. Terms of Sale at Rockstar Games. I also posted on their community forum since it looks like they re more likely to get a response there, but no dice. sent them a ticket a few days ago since my level reset to for no apparent reason (nothing else was lost).

For now i m just going to let it be, i haven t been playing GTAO a lot recently anyway, i m just curious on how fast they respond (i hope it s not Nexon bad).

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