Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2017

Upgrade win 10 home to pro

Upgrade win home to pro

Select Store, click Update under Store 3. Enter the product key from Microsoft (VK7JG-NPHTM -C97JM-9MPGT -3V66T). Manually upgrade from Windows Home to Pro by upgrading Windows Store 1. May 0 20How to Upgrade for Free to Windows Home or Pro - Duration: 19:51. Aug 1 20How to Upgrade Windows Home to Windows Pro 1. Jul 2 20Upgrade using a Windows Pro product key.

Select Next to start the upgrade to Windows Pro. Open Windows Store, with your Microsoft Account, click on your account icon. The Windows Store app will open to a special Upgrade to Windows Pro screen.

You ll need it to replace your current license key.

To upgrade from Windows Home if you have a Windows product key: Select the Start button, then select Settings Update security Activation. There is a cost, don t need a reinstall, it works (I ve done it the license is from MS, and from my experience it is as if the Pro version was original installation. To switch product keys, open Settings and go to Update security Activation Change Product key.

Upgrade from Windows Home to Pro via a License KeyDigital License If you do have a copy of Windows Pro, or maybe you found a retail copy of the upgrade for less than Microsoft charges, you ll have a Product Key (alternately called a license key) that enables Windows Pro. If you decide you like the Pro version, you will need your own product key to activate the OS and use it permanently. Jul 3 20To upgrade from Windows Home to Windows Professional, click or tap the Go to Store button in the Activation pane.

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To upgrade from Windows Home to Windows Professional, click or tap the Go to Store button in the Activation pane. After you ve successfully performed a Home-to-Pro upgrade. Select Change product key, and then enter the 25-character Windows Pro product key.

After the update, search Windows in the search box and click on it 4. You are now brought to the Store listing for Windows Pro. Upgrade from Windows Home to Pro using this product key. Aug 0 20How to upgrade from Windows Home to Pro for free UPGRADINEW PC FROM HOME TO PRO.

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